Career Coaching
Career Power Hour
Do you have a single career or postcareer issue to resolve fast? This approach helps you identify roadblocks and improve skills to conquer them.
1x 45-minute, highly intensive hour of laser career coaching by Zoom or phone to get to the heart of the matter and move forward quickly
A pre-coaching needs assessment
A follow-up plan of attack from your coach
Career Accelerator
Jump-start a stalled job search, trigger career change considerations, or evaluate “what’s next.” Have the tools necessary to take your career to the next level.
4x 45-minute coaching sessions by Zoom or phone
A pre-coaching needs assessment
Targeted assignments
Unlimited email support between sessions
Terms: Payments are securely processed through PayPal payment services. Upon payment receipt, you are emailed a calendar link to schedule your coaching session and the pre-coaching needs assessment.